Lifecycle (3)

Family-to-Family, Inc

Family-to-Family, Inc. is a grassroots nonprofit 501(c)(3) hunger and poverty relief organization dedicated to providing food, personal hygiene products and other basic life essentials to American families struggling with the challenges of poverty.

By connecting donors one-to-one with specific families in need, Family-to-Family’s mission is to bring a large and seemingly intractable problem – poverty – into personal focus, making proactive, attainable results possible…one family at a time.

Hebrew Free Burial Association

The Hebrew Free Burial Association (HFBA) devotes its resources to performing chesed shel emet (the ultimate act of lovingkindness- for the deceased who are unable to repay the kindness). It is the only agency in the greater New York metropolitan area dedicated to assuring that every Jew, regardless of financial means or religious affiliation, receives a dignified, traditional Jewish funeral and burial.

Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey

Jewish Federation understands and addresses community needs, impacting lives every day. Federation works with partner agencies to care for those in need in the Jewish and local community here, in Israel and around the world.